Category Archives: assignment/to do
Sean’s Photo Story…
Sean’s trip to campus
My Course Project
My course project is in the planning phase, so I will update this description as the semester progresses. The basic idea is that a colleague is doing a study on technology in learning environments. The age groups observed will be grammar school and high school students. We’re doing home visits in both Los Angeles and San Francisco, where we’ll observe students as they complete course related tasks. Additionally, we will visit at least one school to document technology in the classroom.
My project partner is the primary researcher for this study. My role is to assist with documentation (audio, video, and still images).
Kimra’s Morning
Obligatory Cat Photo
This is Griffin sitting in his favorite spot. I attempted to use fill flash on this one but couldn’t get it to fire fast enough. This looks darker than I remember it being — I took a few with different manual settings before he eventually ran away from me, but none of them seemed quite right.
Getting Ready
I was packing for a trip to a conference on Wednesday morning. When I pack, I have a habit of throwing everything I’m going to take onto the bed and then splitting it up into bags from one giant pile. I was down to little stuff by the time I took this photo (the camera was previously in the pile).
I love this bagel shop because of its huge case right in the front (and because it has pumpernickel bagels, let’s be honest). I initially wanted to get the case straight-on so it would fill the whole frame with just bagels, trays, and labels, but the glare was awful. I still have more glare than I’d like, especially on the left side.
3 Photos
On the way to class
Photography on the way to class

Make Images on your Way to Class 2/9
On your way to class — somewhere between your bed and room 205 SH — take 3 pictures to share with the rest of us that say something about your morning. (Of course you can take more and pick the 3 you like best — the point is to produce 3 to show the rest of us.) Use whatever camera you’re bringing to class, which will likely range from dSLR to cameraphone. We’ll either transfer images from your camera or card to our laptop, or plug your laptop into the projector. People’s skills range a lot, so don’t stress out over this! The only way to learn to do photography is to DO photography.