Video Scenarios


aka Vision scenarios, Concept videos

Charmr– from Adaptive Path

The Copenhagen Wheel

Intel UMPC vision video

Video as User Experience  (includes some concept videos)

As a filmmaker, I’ll note that the medium of the moving picture has been around far longer than the models of human-computer interaction. When I’m tasked with making video for conveying the value and experience of an interactive tech product, I find it benefits me to invoke the language of the moving image in unexpected ways. So I’d like to obsess about that in three parts:

1) How does one translate the essence of a non-linear interactive experience to a linear piece of video, usually constrained by the time and attention of the viewer?

2) Let’s reverse direction: What elements from the language of film can we draw on in creating the interactive user experiences that make up our software and hardware?

3) And let’s get meta: How do the tools of the videomaker reflect our understanding of our relationship to linear media? Do the metaphors hold?

Let’s explore the relationship between what you do as a UX designer and what I do as a videomaker.