Well everyone must have seen the touch me not leaves which close when touched. I tried to create something similar but a different reaction to the touch. I created an origami lily and attached the stalk to the dc motor. On the flower is a photo sensor that detects if a hand is close to the petals. When close, the dc motor gets activated and moves the flower in order to depict that the flower is not meant to be plucked.
- Arduino Uno
- 1 DC motor
- 1 Transistor
- 1 Diode
- 2 resistors (one 1KΩ, one 10KΩ)
- 1 photo sensor
- 1 piezo sensor
- 1 origami lily
- battery pack
- two AA batteries
- jumper wires
// This code is to move the DC motor based on input from a photosensor
const int dcMotorPin = 11;
const int piezoPin = 7;
const int photPin = 1;
int photValue;
int dcMotorValue;
int potValueBeats;
void setup() {
// Still need to set a baud rate, even for USB.
// Set DC Motor and Piezo pins to output.
pinMode(dcMotorPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(piezoPin, OUTPUT);
// photo sensor analogue pin is an input.
pinMode(photPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// The photo sensor values are mapped from 300 to 1024 onto 0 to 150
photValue = analogRead(photPin);
if(photValue <= 300) { dcMotorValue = 150; } else if(photValue > 300 && photValue < 700)
dcMotorValue = 70;
dcMotorValue = 0;
digitalWrite(piezoPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(piezoPin, LOW);