Due Dates


Assignment Due Date
RR 1: Activity Theory & TUI Sun 8/28 by 11:59pm
8/31 Lab 1: Intro to Physical Computing Tues 9/06 by 11:59pm
9/07 Lab 2: Digital I/O with Arduino Tues 9/13 by 11:59pm
RR 2: Tangible Bits Sun 9/11 by 11:59pm
Midterm Project Proposal 9/21
RR 3: Taxonomy of TUIs Sun 9/18 by 11:59pm
9/14 Lab 3: Sensing: Potentiometers Tues 9/20 by 11:59pm
RR 4: Calm Computing and Ambient Media Sun 9/25 by 11:59pm
9/21 Lab 4: Sensing: Force sensors and photocells Tues 9/27 by 11:59pm
RR 5: Human Centered Design and Innovation Sun 10/02 by 11:59pm
Midterm Project Progress Sketches 10/03 by 11:59pm
9/28 Lab 5: Output: Piezo speakers Tues 10/04 by 11:59pm
Thoughtless Acts 10/10 11:59pm
Midterm Project Presentations 10/10 & 10/17 10/10 & 10/17
10/05 Lab 6: Output: DC motors Tues 10/11 by 11:59pm
10/12 Lab 7: Output: Servo motors Tues 10/18 by 11:59pm
RR 6: VR & Mixed Reality Sun 10/23 by 11:59pm
10/19 Lab 8: Output: Simple mechanics Tues 10/25 by 11:59pm
10/26 Lab 9: Invent a musical instrument Tues 11/08 by 11:59pm
Final Project Proposal (post to website) 11/03 by 11:59pm
Final project progress report and critique on Mon 11/14 & Wed 11/16 (post progress report to website, present in class) Mon 11/14 by 2pm
Final Project Exhibition 12/5 & 12/7
Final Project Write Up (submit by email) 12/15 by 11:59pm