Each final project will be presented for the class.
This is the presentation you would do for a client, with one added element: we don’t know that much about your client and their situation, so you need to give us added background information.
Length (may be revised depending on the number of presentations)
Group projects: 25 min (20 min presentation = 5 min Q&A)
Individual projects: 20 min (15 + 5)
Everyone must speak – you may not delegate your presentation to the team member(s) who are most comfortable presenting. If you’re not comfortable presenting before a group, this is your chance to work on that skill.
Your audience is, of course, the class. But we are interested in what you have to tell your client. So I suggest that you present as if for your client except that we, of course, don’t know what your client(s) knows about your project. (Nor do we have the complex histories and relationships that your clients might.)
Furthermore, we are more interested in your methods than your client may be.
This is a suggested outline for your presentation:
- Intro to the problem/situation and the context (e.g., your client organization and their users/potential users)
- Goals and scope of your project
- Your method(s)
- Your major findings
- Your recommendations/conclusions
- Recommendations (if any) for future work – given that your project is limited in time and scope
- ADDENDUM for the class: what you learned of specific significance for us. For example, reflections on the methods; particular logistical complexities; unexpected developments; problems and how you overcame them. Also, limitations imposed by this being for a class on a short and fixed timeline: how you might do this differently if it were a more realistic project.
This outline doesn’t necessarily apply to all projects. It is intended to give you a starting point for working out yours.
Most will be Powerpoint or equivalent.
I encourage you to include video, audio clips, photos, and other media.