Lots of good ideas. http://www.cultofmac.com/185666/
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Good audio! Third Coast Festival
Based in Chicago, the Third Coast International Audio Festival (TCIAF) curates sound-rich audio stories from around the world and shares them with as many ears as possible – on the radio, on the Internet, and at public listening events all over the place. Operating year-round, Third Coast offers producers and listeners a multitude of ways to celebrate audio storytelling.
Links from class 10/15
Good short pieces on photographing people from Paul Mobley
Mobile Video for Digital Storytelling
NGOs that use Vine for digital storytelling
from Lightt: tips and tricks for making videos on mobile devices. Lightt is a video making/editing app that can uploads videos to Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Tumblr — or on Llight.com.
Faces and exposures
Narrative labels for food!?
From the Slow Foods movement.
Links for Sept 24 updated 9/21
This is a tear-jerker but is making the rounds among photographers and video makers as an example of powerful visual storytelling. This Amazing Commercial Will Make You Cry Also, excellent images.
Visual narratives worth looking at: Mike Kepka, The City Exposed
Last night I went to a panel discussion that included Mike Kepka from the SF Chronicle showing some of his work. I didn’t know about him before this — really nice work. He does this series of short visual narratives, some made of still images, some video (made with a dSLR) for SF Gate (the Chronicle’s online version) called The City Exposed. He won an Emmy for this one: The Trumpet Kid – Gabriel Angelo.
Links for 9/19
Scott Kelby on working a subject:
See in particular these parts:
On photo stories
The Iraqi boy’s story
A boy and his robot
A Coney Island story