Start here: Ira Glass on storytelling — really, really good — from a premiere radio storyteller.
Freytag’s Pyramid:
Labov, W. Where shall I begin? In Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. In and A.N. D. Schiffrin, A. De Fina, ed., Telling Stories: Language, Narrative and Social Life. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 2009.
Labov, William. Uncovering the event structure of narrative. Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC, 2001. You can read this via Google Books. You may find this one clearer — different stories, same analytical approach.
Peter Guber , Four Truths of the Storyteller, Harvard Business Review, Dec. 1, 2007. He talks about oral storytelling, but important points for using stories in business and organizations.
Photography and narrative: What is involved in telling a story?