6 Portrait Lighting Patterns Every Photographer Should Know These apply to using natural light, not just studio lights. Knowing these light patterns will help you look at the lighting on faces, put people and light in better relationships, and make better shots. (And subjects will like your photos better!) VERY IMPORTANT. You need to know how to make people look “right” for what you’re trying to do — the technical stuff is about how you then accomplish that look.
Using available light – National Geographic. We’re more interested in the shots indoors and of people, but all her advice is good.
Shooting With Available Light: AdoramaTV – you don’t need a light meter to learn from this. Notice in particular how he shoots pictures of the woman.
THE IPHONE PHOTO SHOOT BY SLR LOUNGE – outdoor shoot with iPhone and reflectors for under $30.
This one shows you how they did it: How to Shoot in Harsh Midday Sunlight Using a Reflector — and you can use a car reflector! You could have someone hand-hold it. Make Your Own Aluminum Foil Reflector – this show how they use it, too.
Fill-flash This article is about using dSLRs with a separate flash, which is fancier than most (all?) of you have, but the principles are the same and the accompanying photos are really useful.