Links for 9/17 class (updated 9/18)

Narrative slide

Video narratives:

Pitching radio shows — in this case, for the content-producers to get the show editors to accept their stories, the makers have to figure out what their “so what” is, and the structure of their stories, and present them succinctly and clearly.  If you don’t know what your “so what” is, how do you tell the story to convey it?

Most of this is worth listening to, even though you’re not in the same situation as the people making the pitches, because you’ll hear the editors asking the makers about the meaning of their stories and make suggestions for how to tell them.   You can download and fast forward. The story we’re interested in starts at about 9:29.

In another such bit, the editor says to the maker: but what’s the apex of your story?



My Photography Workflow 2011

Case Study: An Example of One Photographer’s Workflow


Naming files