I had given you until Monday the 17th, but I just discovered that the university requires that all work be finished the 14th, and I have to turn in grades no later than the 19th.
Author Archives: Nancy Van House
Turning in Video Assignments
You can post videos on YouTube or Vimeo such that the only people who can see them are people you invite — e.g., Vimeo lets you send out a URL and, if you wish, a password. So let’s do that.
Post your video where you want — the only requirement is that everyone in the class can see it.
About the Bloggie Video Cameras
Look at the Manual!
The battery charges via USB connection to a computer.
The Bloggie has a function for formatting memory cards. The cards you get with the camera should already be formatted, but you may want to re-format, just to be sure — including making sure all files from previous users are deleted.
You can transfer files directly from the Bloggie to the computer via USB.
I used a card reader instead, and found that erasing files from the SD card via the Mac was not enough — I had to reformat the card each time it filled up or the Bloggie would insist that the card was full. To reformat on the Mac: Applications > utilities > disk management
Portraits of Burmese Dissidents and Activists
Aung San Suu Kyi’s World: Portraits of Burmese Dissidents and Activists
Interesting style — all the portraits are similar. Take a look.
Ikea Photoshopped Women Out of its Catalog
Conference on Journalistic Storytelling
Worth looking at the descriptions of the talks and workshops, and of the presenters.
Alternative Approach to Narrative
Photographing People – Some Good Pointers
Ran across this — some good suggestions and examples.
Video Cameras for Borrowing
I School tech support has four Sony Bloggies (model MHS-CM5) available for checkout.
I’m told these are actually fairly decent compact HD video cameras. (In keeping with my policy of preparing for every possible failure, I’d recommend buying your own card. You know it’s new and has been taken care of, and you can keep it as redundant backup. Don’t forget to format it before you start!)
Students can go to room 110A Mon.-Fri., 8 am-5 pm to check them out.
Usually loaned for up to a week, but that could be adjusted if we need to.
Is Instagram Ruining Photography? Another addition to the debate
Instagram: Photography’s Antichrist, Savior, Or Something In Between?
“[S]ome visual-art purists are decrying the Instagram phenomenon, which in a scant two and a half years has become one of the most popular social networking sites on the web — so popular that The Zuckerberg himself recently snatched up the site for a cool ten figures. The site’s detractors lament the ease with which people can call themselves “photographers” these days, simply by posting photos online using one of the platform’s many filters.”