Assignment: Photographing People

bored little girl


Two photographers

Photographers photographing photographers










Clarified 9/26/12:

Make Post 3 images:

1. Take several pictures of a friend – post one.  (Taking several will make you work at it more than if you stop at one.)

Then — Pick a public place with lots of people and activity. (Sproul Plaza is ideal.)

2. Take and post to the group an interesting picture of one or more people without them knowing.

3. Take one or more pictures of an individual or group with their permission and cooperation.  But don’t let them simply stand there and smile — get them doing something interesting.  Post one to the group.

Some of you will find all of this easy — some of you will find the last two extremely challenging.  Strive for a good quality images, but the point is for you to get this experience, not necessarily to make great images.

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