Siqi Wang

The initial idea came from my curiosity of transforming the properties between “hard“ and “soft“. So I have seat cushion as my original object. Working with wood board, I’m trying to add another layer of information to the object which will make the soft cushion visually hard, but potentially responsive and deformed. I designed some possible patterns as a way to divide the wood board. Eventually, the wood pieces were attached to the cushion.

When my audiences first saw the new object, they thought it’s hard and wood made product. Then, I ask them to press on the surface of it. They realized it’s actually responsive and not “rigid“. I asked if they would still want to use it as a seat cushion. They said definitely “NO“ (it will poke them). Their suggestion is about how to make it playful and interactive, which also could be used for pets (they may want to stay on it).

I borrowed my friend’s cat to test out if she likes the new object for her. She shows great curiosity on it, but hesitant to stand on it at first. When she found out it’s safe, she became more active and plays with it.