Owen Hsiao

For the taste experience, I tried many nine different kind of food and to my surprise all the the items tasted well for me except the vinegar.

The list of the items I tried and my association with them are listed below: Lime, lemon, banana, blueberry, grapefruit, chocolate, vinegar, grape, coffee.

I really enjoyed eating the citric fruits such as lemon, lime, and grapefruit. They tasted very sweet after the berry. These fruits tasted so good that I made me keep going back to get more. Also, it’s really funny how my tongue tasted the sweetness after the berry but the other part of my body are still sensing the sourness in these fruits. For example, although these fruits tasted sweet to me, my facial muscles still couldn’t help to make the sour face. Another thing that is surprising to me is that the food that used to be sweet lost their sweetness after the berry. Fruits such as banana, blueberry, and grape tasted like stale water after I tried the berry. It was really interesting for me. The only item which I couldn’t stand was the apple cider vinegar. It was very sour that I couldn’t stand it.

In sum, this unexpected taste experience is very interesting because the new tastes of these food items allow me to have different associations towards these items. Some of them tasted surprisingly good while other tasted surprisingly stale or unbearable.It’s interesting to have this kind of experiment once in a while to change our perception about certain items. However, if the frequency increases, I think I would get used to the new tastes and the level of surprise will decrease for me. Although, I might still enjoy the sweet taste of the citric fruits.