Requirements and Grading

Final Paper

Your primary product will be a paper applying one or more major topics from this course to a subject of your choosing.  Typically, students write about STS and a major topic of their own interest. For example, some PhD students (in whatever department) write about STS as it relates to their probable dissertation.  Master’s students often write about STS and their major interest; for example, visualization, user experience research, or organizational issues in a particular domain.  I’ll work with you to refine the topic and find appropriate resources.

40% of grade.


Periodic short papers

You’ll write two to three short papers, exploring specific STS topics as they relate to your areas of interest.  The point is to move your understanding of STS from an abstraction to your areas of interest.  These papers are likely to help you refine your topic for the final paper.

30% of grade

Class participation

30% of grade

This is a seminar.  

Each week, one or two students will take responsibility for leading off the discussion with a short analysis and synthesis of the key elements of the readings.

Throughout the semester, you will be expected to have done the readings before class and participate actively in the discussion. This course is both a grounding in STS and an exploration of what STS means for the participants’ areas of study; the latter, in particular, requires everyone’s active engagment.

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