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Our Mascot


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STS Colloquium Series on Berkeley Campus


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Blackberry Riots

These are notes I made, cutting and pasting from news reports.  Long but still worth skimming, I think, in the light of our discussion.



Registering for this Blog

If I don’t know who you are, I’ll remove you. So don’t bother registering unless you have checked with me.

Topics That Have Been Named as Particularly Interesting

These are the responses I got:

Jasanoff-style policy
Gender/Donna Haraway/Feminist STS
Reflective / Critical HCI
User Technology Relationships
Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)
Representation and Visualization
Situated Action
Knowledge Communities
Actor-Network Theory

These are all major topics that we would cover anyway, with two exceptions. Policy is a big area and one I don’t know well.  Situated Action is a theoretical approach that we probably cannot do justice, but we can start.  That’s not to say that we won’t cover them — we can — but not in depth.

Readings emailed

The readings that aren’t online have been emailed to the class email list.

If You’re New to Campus and/or the iSchool – Random Info

Readings: Articles from journals are available via the campus library.  If you’re connecting from off-campus, you need to set up your browser appropriately. Other readings will be scanned and made available.

Email list: If you registered for the course before the first meeting, you’re on the class email list. If you’re not on the list, add yourself. iSchool students know how to do this via intranet. Others: email majordomo@ischool; “subscribe i212. Anything you send to i212@ischool will go to everyone on the list.

Office hours: I will set office hours, but I’m very open to emailed questions and comments, or to setting up appointments outside of office hours.

Course blog: If you registered for the course ahead of time, you have also been added to the blog as a user. You can post to the blog. Your default userid is first inital last name. I suggest you subscribe to the blog via RSS feed or something like it.

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