Configuring Users

Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor Pinch (2008). User-Technology Relationships: Some Recent Developments. Handbook of STS, pp. 541-566.  Scanned and emailed. READ THIS FIRST.

Woolgar, S.and Law, J. (1991) Configuring the User: The Case of Usability Trials. A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology, and Domination, pp. 57-99 London: Routledge. (A classic.) scanned and emailed.

SILVERSTONE, R. & HADDON, L. (1997) Design and domestication of information and communication techologies: technical change and everyday life. IN MANSELL, R. & SILVERSTONE, R. (Eds.) Communication by design : the politics of information and communication technologies. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (will be scanned and emailed)

Possible and probably optional:  I need to look at this.

Burrell, J. (2011). User Agency in the Middle Range: Rumors and the Reinvention of the Internet in Accra, Ghana. Science, Technology & Human Values, 36(2), 139-159.



HADDON, L. (2007) Roger Silverstone’s legacies: domestication. New Media Society, 9, 25-32.

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