Hasnain Nazar

When I first received this assignment I was a bit confused about how to go about completing the task. I began with first reflecting upon different experiences I had with objects that produced an unexpected experience. The experience that stuck out in my mind was one I had as a child; I would open the fridge and find a yogurt container that was seldom filled with yogurt! Instead the yogurt container was filled with a heavy indo/pak dish (curry). My experience with the yogurt container was also redefined as I would began to expect the yogurt container to have something else in it besides yogurt and when it actually had yogurt I was quite disappointed!

I then began to reflect on objects around me and my house. I stumbled upon a mint box. After the mints where all eaten, I would clean out the container and use the small box for SD cards. When I presented this to the class, I was hoping that the experience and association of the mint box would go from clean,fresh, portable to emotions and thoughts around memories, cameras and new use cases. I do believe my intended outcome was accomplished as many were surprised to find SD cards as opposed to other objects they believed would be found in the mint container.