Wenqin Chen

1. What if we looked at all objects, people, thoughts, and things in the world this way?
If humans had the capacity to look at all objects, people, thoughts and things in multiple angles and layers, then they would gain a deeper understanding and appreciation about these entities. If every flat thing becomes multi-dimensional through this new lense of looking, the world would be more rich and meaningful.

However, I do not think it is possible for us to analyze everything with this level scrutiny. Our brains has a finite amount of sources and in order to reason and function, we have to abstract away the complexity of most things ¬and flatten them into processable sizes. Faced with this resource constraints, I propose that we select the most important items in our life and try to reexamine these items in the new light of complexity we learned from this assignment.

2. When would we need to look at the world this way?
We should examine an item critically when our understanding and judgement about it affects an important decision or value in our lives.

3. Has the meaning of this object changed?
Through this assignment, I learned a lot about the distinction between peppercorns and the fabrication process for its container. I also revealed my emotional responses to this item. As a result, a rainbow peppercorn bottle, is no longer just a name attached to a thing that I use to sprinkle pepper on my plate. It instead has become a collection of many parts, many people’s work, many stories and emotions.