206 examples

I was talking to Nat last week, and it turns out that he was having some fun last semester – some of his examples in 206 were pulled directly from the 205 readings. And just in case you were as ignorant of this as I was, here’s what he did…

First, he explained how to scrape data from the Rural Telephone Company website. From his description:

Reverse Phonebook Lookups against the ‘dark web’ Using Mechanize

Let’s say you’re publishing a phone book for Utah and you have a list of people’s names that live in Northwestern Utah and want to find everyone’s street address.

After a search, you find an html form from a phone company out there, that happens to be called Rural Telephone Company. You also notice they happen to have a handy web-based form on their site…

And then he explained how to scrape the “hot news” from the AP site.

Scraping Associated Press RSS Feeds with Universal Feed Parser
Let’s say you want to scrape news from an Associated Press site so you can appropriate their hot news and post it on your website.

We can assume no liability for your installations…

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