Havelock writes:
The introduction of the Greek letters into inscription somewhere around 700 B.C. was to alter the character of human culture, placing a gulf between all alphabetic societies and their precursors. The Greeks did not just invent an alphabet, they invented literacy and the literate basis of modern thought [55]….It is no accident that the prealphabetic cultures of the world were also in a large sense the pre-scientific cultures, pre-philosophical and pre-literary.
Consider just one aspect or element of this broad claim. On the basis of the specific evidence presented by Havelock and Gough, would you say it is largely true, largely false, or true in some respects?
Due: 2/3, 5:00 PM. Submit answer on bSpace assignment page.
For questions about the length or style of the essay, review the assignment guidelines. Please make sure to
- answer the questions (a page or less, double spaced should be sufficient)
- provide citations (page numbers are fine if you’re referencing an assigned reading)
- proofread your answer