Baron writes:
Does literacy reinforce the status quo or permit individuals and groups to transcend or alter current social, political, and economic conditions? Probably it can do both, depending on the circumstances. But more important, the conception of literacy as a liberating or empowering practice has been tempered… with the claim that, insofar as it encourages the replication of social values and structures, literacy may actually be an oppressive force in the lives of readers.
Does “digital literacy” fit the same pattern as traditonal literacy? By comparison with the examples that Baron and Graff cite, give at least one argument to show that digital literacy functions to reinforce the social status quo or can even be an oppressive force. Then give at least one argument to show that digital literacy enables people to transcend or alter social, political, and economic conditions. Does the choice of one or the other conclusion depend on how digital literacy is defined?
Due: 3/10, 5:00 PM. Submit answer on bSpace assignment page.
- answer the questions (a page or less)
- provide citations (page numbers are fine if you’re referencing an assigned reading)
- proofread your answer