
The Game Layer

Seth Priebatsch is a hypomanic entrepreneur.  His quest for evolution is a master work of personal innovation.  Seth is in pursuit of creating “The Game Layer” for the internet.  He believes that Facebook has already built the infrastructure for The Social Media layer.  Next is the game layer.

Regarding the funding of Seth’s company one of the funders said this:

“It went well, but there are still skeptics at the firm. Mr. Maeder of Highland still wonders whether Scvngr is the scaffolding of a major business. At the same time, he regards the $750,000 investment as a bet on Mr. Priebatsch as much as a bet on his company.”


Tata Motors disrupts with the Nano

Tata Motors is an Indian owned automotive company.  Their core business is in selling trucks in India, where they hold 61% of the market.  In recent years they have been expanding into the consumer car market.  Tata purchased Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford and has turned a profit in three consecutive quarters.  Better yet their innovation has disrupted the market with the Tata Nano, the world’s lowest-priced car.