
Exerting the influence

In the Sep 17th class, we discussed how to spread influence around by managing up, down and across organizations. We also studied the influence tactics of being a good innovation managers. Walter raised a good question in class asking if we could actually learn to acquire those tactics.

Here is an interview of Marshall Goldsmith, who generally trains leaders to act differently and he also talks about some basic rules of managing up.

– It’s our responsibility to sell the ideas, not upper management’s obligations to buy.

– Focus on contribution to the larger good — not just the achievement of our objectives. (this is mentioned in class, where we talked about understanding others’ – decision makers’ or even opponents’ – concerns.

– Present a realistic cost-benefit analysis of your ideas — don’t just sell benefits. ( this basically requires a know-how expertise which would determine understandings of ourselves about the ideas).

Rosabeth also gave 7 hints for selling ideas up to the management group. To sum up here: seeking input from different parties, be an expert in what you know, make personal contacts to sell yourself even before selling the idea, and be specific about what is going to be expected, and what you can deliver.

One reply on “Exerting the influence”

These are great extra resources for these ideas.
I happen to see at that John Kotter, a change management guru, posted a blog talking about people who want to shoot your idea down, ie people who are in the “black” category of not wanting to be changed.
He has a good list of how people may derail you;
– death by delay
– plant confusion
– fear mongering
– character attack.

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