All posts by Sydney Friedman

Infinity in our Pockets.

For those of you who thought the “Focus” exercises for the course app, check out these pointers from Medium.  I was looking for distraction tips during finals week so I could spend less time on my phone and computer and more time on doing my work and spending time with my family as a result.  The idea is simple: remove everything from your phone that is unnecessary; anything with a stream, anything that is a search engine, and take out the email.   I thought the most resonating point he made was: “I can’t have infinity in my pocket”.

I am pretty frightened to do this, but for finals week I might give it a go.  Just typing that makes me nervous.  Anyone have any suggestions for infinity-addicts?


Why America Hasn’t Gone Back to the Moon

This video explores the reasons why, even though we managed to put a man on the moon in the span of 9 years, we haven’t gone back.  Here we also learn some key steps it took to get us there:

1. Get a Visionary
2. Have a Cold War
3. Very Large Budget
4. Work Long Hours.  Through the 60s, around 400,000 people worked to send people to the moon.  Seamstresses for space suits worked around 100 hours a week for nine years.
5. Innovate
6. The Right People at the Controls

These are the theories that Time believe it would take to put people back on the moon.  Many believe we could not do it again.

Why America Hasn’t Gone Back to the Moon


One Simple Goal

For many prodigies, focus comes naturally. For the rest of us, it takes a large amount of work.  For this 15 year old chef, his focus is set on the highest attainable and yet the most difficult goal possible in his field: have the best restaurant in the world by the time he’s 19. While easier said than done, the article lays out a plan for how he might do so.  A sense of urgency stood out the most to me as the advice from other chefs emphasized patience.  On the other hand, they did not have the best restaurant at 19 years old.

Article here: