Reading Response #2 Posted

Posted by Anthony Lincoln - July 23, 2010

The next RR assignment, due Monday 7/26, has been posted.  We’ve also added a writer’s checklist to clarify our expectations and subsequent evaluation of written work.

As mentioned, please prepare for Monday’s class by reading both Schudson and Marlin, and by watching the YouTube videos posted in the syllabus for that day.


  1. YuJin Roh says:

    Definition by Bertrand Russell(“Propaganda may be defined as any attempt by means of persuasion, to enlist human beings on the side of one party to any dispute.”) is the most adequate to distinguish “Why We Fight” films and “Triumph of the Will” from other films like a documentary or newsreel because these two films was made for persuasion people. For example, United States government made Why We Fight to persuade people who do not agree with U.S involvement in the war. Before making films, 95percentage people of U.S citizens disagree with involvement to world war II, so government made films and then they were shown to the general U.S. public and American soldiers. Finally government successfully persuades both of them. Also, Nazi party want people to admit their reseizure, so they made Triumph of the Will films that contains Nazi party rally in Nurember. After watching this film, German easily accept power of Nazi party. Therefore, for these reasons that I have mentioned above, Bertrand Russell’s definition is appropriate to distinguish propaganda films from other films.