
Tech Firms Crunch Scientific Data to Fuel Innovation

Large technology firms are finding business opportunities in organizing and analyzing scientific data in new ways. They are collaborating with external partners to generate ideas for innovative technologies. Microsoft is one company seeing the potential in partnerships with a diverse set of academic and medical institutions. They are bringing together scientific data from a variety of sources and using powerful analysis techniques to seek new breakthroughs. In one project, Microsoft is partnering with UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory to analyze satellite, geologic, and economic data in order to improve water supply management. In another project, they are looking at individual viral mutations in thousands of subjects to better understand HIV. According to Tony Hey of the Harvard Business Review, collaborations like these may not only not lead to the next scientific revolution, they may prove to be quite profitable for technology firms that are making breakthroughs possible. As covered in our discussion of the Innovation Value Chain, this will only be true if effective mechanisms for conversion and diffusion are in place.

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Open Collaboration

Organizations come together when it comes to Open Innovation. HP and Dream Works come together to deliver blockbuster movie series – Shrek; Chevron and local governmental agencies come together to build a reciprocal water refinery. These are the successful stories, but of course, there could be far more stories about collaboration failures.

Finally, Microsoft and Motorola, both losing ground in the smartphone  device market,  now hold hands together. But as far as we know, the relationship is not harmonious at all because of the patent infringement. It would be really interesting to see how their effort of cross-organization collaboration eventually succeeds (or fails).


Microsoft Xbox

The article “The Innovation Value Chain” discussed about a safe haven for emerging businesses allowing them to be unfettered by the rest of the organization but enough ties to keep them from complete isolation.  When Microsoft ventured into the gaming software industry with the Xbox project, the VPs realized early that “while Microsoft was the right place to get the next Xbox built financially, it was totally wrong for it culturally.”  Unhindered by the formulaic approach of the established businesses, the Xbox team was nimble and unconventional.  Within 10 years, Microsoft has gone from zero to 30 percent in gaming console market where U.S. retail sales of videogames generated revenues of approximately $20 billion in 2009.

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