Project Ideas

Project ideas / Research questions – for diversity of interests/disciplines:

* How the network is being used? What can we learn about use from traffic logs alone and how can they be complemented with other methods?

* What are some of the special access and usage issues of Native American groups? Supporting digital indigenous media (lessons from past indigenous media movements).

* How should we think about reservation governance systems in relation to building out network infrastructure and providing access?

* Ways of thinking about ‘development’ in a domestic context. How can we conceptualize the contributions of Internet access to development outcomes? What are the possibilities for measurement?

* Compare usage patterns with other networks.

* How to improve operational models and business strategies to further lower costs.

Regulatory/Policy constraints:
* Frequency spectrum scarcity – TV-White-Spaces? Tired licenses?
* Telephony solutions – VoIP? Cellular over our backhaul? Low-cost GSM?
* Land use issues? PPPs? Use of County/City furniture/infrastracture…
* Free WiFi HotSpots – the legal challenge of unauthenticated users – compare countries and suggest solutions.

* Use agreements – users rights… simplify contracts, while protecting rural operators, especially small social-enterprises….

* Broadband/Telecom policies to (really) drive rural broadband access… the USA duopoly stalemate, and international examples/comparisons.

* Net-Neutrality and rural access by small WISPs… is there an overlooked perspective?

* How to anonymize network traffic logs and usage patterns, while retaining research qualities of the data (differential privacy?).

* Innovate with antennas support structures – (mechanical engineering).

* Network security in the boonies – are there special issues?

* Off-the-grid – affordable use of renewable energy to power radio relay sites.