Facing Security and Privacy Risks in the Age of Telehealth

Facing Security and Privacy Risks in the Age of Telehealth
By Anonymous | October 9, 2020

As the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, more healthcare providers and patients are turning to telehealth visits–visits where the patient is remote and communicates with her provider through a phone call or video conference. While telehealth visits will continue to facilitate great strides forward in terms of patient access, there are privacy risks that need to be mitigated to secure the success of remote visits.

Image: National Science Foundation

Participating in a remote visit opens up a patient to many potential touchpoints of security risk. For example, ordinary data transmissions from a mobile application or medical device, such as an insulin pump, may be inadvertently shared with a third party based on the permissions granted to applications on a patient’s mobile device. Additionally, devices that stream recordings of customer statements, such as Amazon’s Alexa may record sensitive information that’s communicated over the course of a remote patient visit. In some cases, a patient may have trouble using a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant telemedicine service such as Updox, and the patient and provider might alternatively look to a non-compliant ordinary Zoom call to complete their visit. How does one make the tradeoff between patient privacy and patient access?

There are steps that both patients and providers can take in mitigating the security risks that surround telehealth visits. Patients can limit the permissions of mobile applications they use to reduce the risk of sharing sensitive information with third parties. Patients may also look to briefly turn off any devices that may record activity in their homes. Medical professionals can ensure that only current patient lab results and records are open on their laptops to avoid inadvertently screen sharing inappropriate patient data. Additionally, medical professionals and patients can work to become familiar with HIPAA-compliant telemedicine services, ensuring improved security and seamless telehealth visits.

Image: Forbes

Beyond the actions of patients and providers, patient privacy is often addressed through regulatory institutions such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with acts such as HIPAA. The HHS has recognized the need for telehealth visits during the coronavirus pandemic, and has stated that its Office for Civil Rights (OCR) “will not impose penalties for noncompliance with the regulatory requirements under the HIPAA Rules against covered health care providers in connection with the good faith provision of telehealth during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency”. As a supplement to the previous statement, the HHS has stated only non-public telecommunication products should be used in telemedicine visits. While the point at which the world will start to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic remains to be seen, protecting patient privacy through improved regulatory guidelines around telehealth should become a higher priority.

Further regulatory control around patient privacy with respect to telehealth will help to ensure its success. The potential benefits of remote visits are great and are quickly becoming realized. Patients with autoimmune diseases can speak to their providers from home, alleviating their higher-than-average risk of COVID-19 complications. Rural patients who once had to travel hours to see the right provider can participate in lab work and testing closer to home and discuss results and steps forward with talented healthcare providers across the country. Providers may be able to see more patients than before. Patients and providers alike can look forward to a world where telemedicine is more easily integrated into daily life, but steps should be taken to ensure patient privacy.


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