The prototyping assignment will be due 10/2 in class.  You will be expected to give an approx 10-min presentation describing your idea, users, scenarios and displaying your prototype.  The following must be turned in by the previous day:

  • 2-4 personas -A persona is an idealized representation of a user of your system.  Each persona should consist of a textual description, supplemented by graphics if possible. The persona should include details like age, education, employment, access to technology, and current information needs and limitations.  We will talk more about personas on Friday.
  • 3 scenarios – Starting with this your personas’ goals, decide the key tasks that your system will support. Tasks are specific sets of actions that will allow users to achieve their goals. Using your personas as actors, depict in a scenario or storyboard how your system will be used to achieve these tasks (creative use of graphics is encouraged, even if you can’t draw or sketch!)
  • 1-2 prototypes – Develop early stage prototypes of your system using paper, HTML, Flash, Photoshop or any other set of tools you are familiar with.  The prototypes should be used to convey the idea behind your solution to a broad audience.

Please let me or Paul know if you have any questions with this assignment.