
Assignment 6: Web
Due Saturday, November 6 on the course website .
Create a new homepage and sub-page for one of the following:
1. your school’s website
2. your personal website
3. your personal project
Please consider
– your desired audience
– the persistence of your navigation
– visual hierarchy
– highlighting the most important or useful information
– visual consistency within and across pages (color, layout, type)
– minimizing visual redundancy (if you do not need it, remove it)
The pages can be designed as html documents or as static images.
Post your design and description of your design on the web by Saturday, November 6.


  1. I decided that creating a new Berkeley homepage would be more interesting than simply creating another portfolio for myself. The project ended up taking much longer than expected, because the current page [http://www.berkeley.edu] is very densely packed with links and information. I tried to boil down the most important places that individuals would be interested in going, then highlighting those in a menu. I wanted the Berkeley Homepage to be very clean and have the context specific links tucked away as best as possible. The important links got lost visually next to the rest of the links, so I decided to highlight the important ones in white, so they would immediately jump out at the user. I thought the color scheme was quite nice, the subdued blues worked well with the darker gold color highlights.
    I took screenshots of the webpage and also included the link.
    Screen shots:
    Actual HTML:

  2. I took a stab at redesigning the homepage for the iSchool. I surveyed some “competitor” sites and decided to create a bolder, image-centric design that attempts to make our school look more “leading edge” than the current site. The navigation is moved to the top and simplified to just the main categories, with a rollover sub-menu that appears if the user wants to explore a specific category. I chose to emphasize news and events, a featured story, and a #UCBischool twitter feed area as ways to make the homepage a more “real-time” information source. While the iSchool web page does need to be a permanent  repository for basic content and administrative information, I think the homepage should showcase all of  the dynamic happenings, findings, and ideas that make every day here new and exciting.  I did not get a chance to create a sub-page, so it’s just the homepage for now:

  3. Oops, my post yesterday wasn’t saved. Anyway, here it is again:
    This is my original personal page: I did it last spring, but I’ve never been happy with it.
    For this assignment, I redid the color scheme and made a few design changes, which includes some of the navigation and link signage.
    The new (and hopefully improved) site.

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