Category: jQuery

  • Working with the Flickr API

    Flickr provides exemplary tools and documentation for their popular API and is also an excellent case study for social classification in the wild, so it’s worth taking a little time to understand their API. The App Garden is Flickr’s main API documentation page and the best place to start. From here you can “Create an…

  • Working around the same-origin policy

    As part of the basic security model of the Web, sites can’t usually make requests to pages on other domains — if they could, then just visiting any random site on the Web having recently logged in to your email could reveal the entire contents of your email to an attacker! In class we briefly…

  • Working around the same-origin policy in Greasemonkey

    The same-origin policy prevents scripts on a page from communicating with servers on a different domain from the page. Implemented by all browsers, this prevents some cross-site scripting attacks. Of course, communicating with different web services is a common goal for mashups like the ones we’re building in this class. So if you need to…

  • Add jQuery to any (or every) webpage

    We’ve already seen how Firebug makes it incredibly easy to inspect the current page loaded in Firefox and run jQuery commands to quickly modify items on the page or test different selectors. But what if the webpage you’re interested in doesn’t already have jQuery installed? jQuery is becoming more and more widespread (the iSchool website…