I’m interested in how to push certain part of a system to create changing outputs over the time. With this in mind, for this project, I tried to mimic a serial lighting input environment for the photocell sensor, by making a paper bottle cork which is long enough to cover the photocell entirely inside. In this way, if I push and pull the hollow bottle cork, it can cover the photocell from the outside lighting from 100% to 0%. However, since white paper is actually semi-translucent to light, so I decide to use black paper to make the bottle cork, which is designed to be an excellent shading barrier for the photocell.
- 1 paper diffuser
- 1 black bottle cork
- Arduino uno
- wires
- 1 LED
- 1 photocell
- 2 resistors
- 1 laptop
int sensorPin = A0; int ledPin = 13; int sensorValue = 0; void setup() { // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // read the value from the sensor: sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // turn the ledPin on digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // stop the program for <sensorValue> milliseconds: delay(sensorValue*5); // turn the ledPin off: digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // stop the program for for <sensorValue> milliseconds: delay(sensorValue*5); }