All posts by Morten Hansen

Less is more: Basecamp doing one product only

Here is an interesting blog on the less is more, discussing how 37Signal is refocusing on just one core product, Basecamp software, and renaming itself Basecamp. You may use the software. The company’s basic belief is simplicity. However there is a difference whether we discuss focusing for companies, teams or individuals. A company can do several things without falling into the spread-too-thin trap, because it can delegate to different teams. There is a huge amount of research on the question of whether companies should be in multiple businesses (synergy vs. overhead). The consensus is that they ought to stay pretty focused.

Posting blogs

I would like us to use this blog site to discuss and post interesting stories and examples from the world at large. We can also discuss concepts from class. The blog doesn’t substitute for class but it augments it.

This course covers topics and issues that appear in the world every day. We should keep our eyes open and bring that material to this blog. It will enrich our learning.
