I214 UX Research

December 4, 2011

About Readings and Other Resources

Filed under: course logistics,readings and resouces — Nancy Van House @ 12:59 am

Scanned readings wil be in a Dropbox folder.

To access electronic readings from journals and conference proceedings and e-books available through UC, you need to connect from on-campus or use the Library Proxy Service to connect from off-campus.

A considerable amount of information relevant to this course is online in various forms.  Many consulting firms post information for clients.  There’s also an active community of UX professionals.  So company websites, SlideShare, and other such sites are valuable —  there’s more info relevant to this course in these formats than in formal publications.  However, much of it is brief  and superficial– a lot of  the best material is proprietary.  (A lot of it also is by students — caveat emptor.)  Linking to materials on other sites does not necessarily mean that I endorse the source or the sponsor. Nor does the university.

Several of the recommended books are available electronically in one form or another. As you work on your projects, you may decide you want to own one or more of these books, and you may want them fast.  Unfortunately, some of the publishers (e.g., Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier) charge more for e-books. However, some books are available (more cheaply!) from Amazon in Kindle format.  You don’t have to own a Kindle to read Kindle books – you can read them on your computer.


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