User Interface Design and Development

October 16, 2014

Interactive Prototype Assignment

by Tapan Parikh

Due: Thursday, November 13th, 2014 before Class

Objective: In this assignment, you will test your low-fidelity prototype(s) and use the results to inform the design of the first interactive prototype for your final project.

What to do:

  1. If you haven’t already, please find 2-3 potential users to test your low-fidelity prototype. This should be someone from your proposed user group.
  2. Ask each test user to step through at least three tasks outlined in your scenarios using your low-fidelity prototype. Utilize the “Think-Aloud” protocol described in class. Take detailed notes of each test user’s observations.
  3. Schedule a design team meeting to integrate your observations, and the observations from the formative evaluation conducted during the prior assignment. The output of this should be a set of observations / suggestions / design directions to be implemented in your first interactive prototype. Make sure to note the source of each of these observations / suggestions / directions, whether they came from one or several of the heuristic evaluations conducted by the design team members, from your initial user study, or emerged during the brainstorming.
  4. Design the prototype using Balsamiq Mockups. (This software has a 7-day free license.  You can ask the professor for a key if you need it for longer then that.)  You are free to use another tool (Powerpoint, Flash, HTML, etc.) if thats easier for you.  Once again, the prototype should be sufficient to at least “walk through” three of the tasks that you have included in your final project proposal. Utilizing wizard-of-oz techniques is fine, and recommended when you have not implemented some of the underlying functionality.
  5. In class on November 13th, be ready with your interactive prototype to get feedback from other class members. This includes providing enough guidance, documentation and/or supporting material so that the user can understand the intent and operation of the prototype.

What to turn in:

The preferred method of turn-in is a PDF document, including each of the following components. To avoid a late penalty, e-mail a link to your group’s submission to the professor and TA before class on Thursday, November 13th:

  1. Cover sheet including yourself and your partners’ names, and your project focus. Note the time, duration and attendance of each brainstorming session. Include a paragraph about what each person contributed to the assignment [1/2 page].
  2. If you revised and/or developed new lo-fi prototypes, please provide new pictures. These pictures should include enough detail and supporting text so that we can understand how the eventual system is intended to work [2-3 pages].
  3. The final integrated list of your observations / suggestions / design directions. Make sure to indicate the original source of each of them, whether they came from one or several of the heuristic evaluations conducted by the design team members, from your initial user study, or emerged during the brainstorming [1-3 pages].
  4. Provide a link to your Balsamiq prototype.  Include directions of how to install and/or run it if it is not done using Balsamiq.  Supplement with screen shots if helpful [1-2 pages].
  5. Describe the tools you used to develop your prototype, how they helped and/or created additional obstacles [1/2 page].
  6. Be ready with supporting material and your interactive prototype to be tested in class on November 13th.

The total length of your report should be less than 6 pages (not including any revised lo-fi prototype pictures). Brevity, clarity and focus on the goals of the assignment will be rewarded.

Please contact the professor or the class TA if you have any questions with this assignment.

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Think Aloud Assignment

by Tapan Parikh

Due: Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 before Class

Objective: In this assignment, you will conduct  a formative evaluation using the Think Aloud protocol.  You will start by conducting a “think aloud” in class with members from another group.  Next, you will conduct another 1-2 “think aloud” exercises with other prospective users. Finally, you will meet with the rest of your group to consolidate your notes from all of your think aloud exercises into a list of design observations / suggestions / revisions to be implemented in the next version of your prototype.

What to do:

  1. With your group, write down 2-3 tasks to be completed by evaluators using your interface.
  2. Look at the front whiteboard to see which group you have been paired with. Divide your group into two groups – one half will demonstrate your prototype, and the other half will evaluate another group. You will switch roles in the second half of class.
  3. Prepare to conduct a “Think-Aloud” exercise using your prototype. After introducing yourself as a test user, please step through the tasks as instructed by the demonstrator using the lo-fi prototype. Utilize the “Think-Aloud” protocol. Demonstrators should take detailed notes of the pilot user’s observations.
  4. After class, you should conduct another “Think-Aloud” exercise, this time with 1-2 real prospective users. Feel free to use the same tasks you did in class, or come up with new ones. Document your observations, and any feedback and recommendations that you receive. If you have difficulty accessing additional users before the due date, then you can turn in a revised list with additional notes with your next assignment.
  5. The next step is to combine your notes with the other members of your group.  Plan a meeting to go over all of the feedback you received, including any design observations / suggestions / revisions for the next version. You may find it useful to create an affinity diagram while doing this.
  6. In collaboration with the rest of your group, create a bulleted list of key design observations / suggestions / revisions and other feedback. Indicate how you plan to address each of these in your next prototype, if at all.

What to turn in:

The preferred method of turn-in is a PDF document, including each of the following components. To avoid a late penalty, e-mail a link to your group’s submission to the professor, TA and the other group before class on Thursday, October 23rd:

  1. Cover sheet including yourself and the other group member’s names.
  2. A list of people (including class members and other users) with whom you conducted Think Aloud sessions.
  3. The final consolidated list of design observations / suggestions / revisions and other feedback, and notes on how you plan to address them in the next version of your prototype [1-2 pages].

Please also share any additional notes or feedback with the group that you evaluated as soon as possible. The other group is depending on your timely feedback.

Please contact the professor or the class TA if you have any questions with this assignment.


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