September 26, 2013
Lo-Fi Prototyping Assignment
Due: Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 before Class
Objective: In this assignment, you will build on your user research to start visualizing solutions. You will begin by refining your personas. Using these personas as “actors”, you will create three storyboards or scenarios, each depicting a task that your system will support. Finally, you will mock up at least three low-fidelity prototypes of possible solutions you could develop.
What to Do:
- Schedule a group meeting. Most of the tasks described below should be completed during one or two collaborative brainstorming sessions including the entire design team.
- Starting with the personas you made for the last assignment, decide the primary user personas that you are aiming to satisfy. Define each of their primary goals in using your system. Further refine each persona, by providing additional details and/or pictures. By the end, they should be full-featured descriptions that can be used as a reference by the design team. Aim for a total of 3-6 personas, identifying 1 (or 2, for large groups) of them as the primary focus for your project.
- Starting from the primary persona’s goals, decide 3-4 key tasks that your system will support. Tasks are specific sets of actions that will allow users to achieve their goals. These tasks should address a broad set of important user priorities. Using your personas as actors, depict in a scenario how your system would be used to achieve each of these tasks, preferably using a storyboard representation. (Use graphical depictions, even if you can’t draw or sketch! Stick figures are awesome and encouraged!)
- Using paper, index cards, post-its, cardboard, tape, glue and anything else you can imagine, build at least 3-4 paper prototype alternatives that can be used to mock “perform” the tasks depicted above. Use the reading for motivation, and again, be creative!
What To Turn In:
The preferred method of turn-in is a PDF document, including each of the following components. To avoid a late penalty, e-mail a link to your group’s submission to the professor and TA before class on Tuesday, October 15th:
- Cover sheet including yourself and your partners’ names, and your chosen focus. Note the time, duration and attendance of each brainstorming session. Include a sentence or two about what each person contributed to the assignment [1/2 page].
- A list of core user personas. Include pictures, demographic details, and any other details that you feel are necessary to make the persona come to life and serve as a useful resource for the design team. [2-3 pages].
- At least three storyboards depicting the tasks that your proposed system will support. These can either be scanned in, and/or composed electronically [2-3 pages].
- Pictures of your low-fidelity prototypes. Bring them in to show during class on October 15th [2-3 pages].
- Reflect on the experience of prototyping. What was easy for you? What was hard? Was it fun? [1/2 page]
The total length of your report should be less than 10 pages. Brevity, clarity and focus on the goals of the assignment will be rewarded. Illustrative graphics are welcome and encouraged!
Please contact the professor or the class TA if you have any questions with this assignment.
September 12, 2013
User Observation Assignment
Due: Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 before Class
Objective: In this assignment, you will be conducting a contextual interview with a prospective set of users, and deriving a set of work models and notes based on that experience.
What to Do:
- Identify 6-8 different individual users, covering each of your user / stakeholder categories, and ask each for their permission to interview them. If they agree, set an appointment to interview them in a location where they currently perform the task that you wish to study. Before starting the interview, you may want to have them complete the informed consent form (example here). If you also intend to capture video/audio/photos, have them complete a record release form (example here).
- Conduct the contextual interview, following the master and apprentice relationship model. For each interview, one group member should be the apprentice, while the others take notes (larger groups should split up into groups of 2-3). You can also use a voice recorder (with the subject’s permission). Alternate roles for each subject. Each interview should last between 30-90 minutes.
- During a group interpretation session, generate an affinity diagram and at least 4-5 distinct work models drawing from your users. These should be at a level of detail appropriate to the task you are studying and the data that you have collected. Do this as soon after the interview as possible (up to a maximum of 48 hours), to make sure that the observations are fresh in your mind. Choose the most useful and appropriate models for your project.
- Create 3-6 personas, representing each kind of potential user. Typically, each persona will consist of a textual description, supplemented by graphics if necessary. The persona should include details like their age, education, professional history, access to technology, idealized goals and current difficulties with regard to the task in question.
- Describe in paragraph, video or storyboard form a set of current task scenarios and a set of hypothetical usage scenarios that you would like to support in your system.
- Prepare a presentation to introduce your project to the rest of the class. Start with your focus, personas, and any supporting observations from the contextual inquiry that motivate your problem. Then walk the audience through some or all of the tasks described in your scenarios. Aim for a 5-minute presentation (with an additional five minutes for questions), to be made in class on Thursday, October 3rd or Tuesday, October 8th.
- Extra Credit: Design a probe that you can give to one or two of your subjects so that they can collect data and send it to you on their own. Your probe can be a kit containing several items – including a diary, a disposable camera, and/or might leverage technology that your subjects already have, like a smartphone. Be creative!
What To Turn In:
The preferred method of turn-in is a PDF document, including each of the following components. To avoid a late penalty, e-mail a link to your group’s submission to the professor and TA before class on Thursday, October 3rd:
- Cover sheet including your names, and your chosen focus. Also include 1-2 sentences about what each person contributed to the assignment. [1/2 page]
- Summary of each contextual interview, including the person’s gender, approximate age (20s, 30s, etc.), job title, the location of the interview, who conducted and who took notes, how long it took to complete, etc. For privacy, don’t use people’s real names or any other uniquely identifying information. Also, include any difficulties you had or surprises you encountered in conducting the contextual interview. If you used another method discussed in class, describe the results of that as well. [4-8 pages]
- A picture of your final affinity diagram.
- A copy of each work model that you generated. Use one page for each model, aiming for the level of detail shown in the examples in the book. These can be done either using pen and paper, or a drawing program on a computer. On a separate page, include a 1-2 paragraph description of each model, including key points, surprises, potential ambiguities, and any difficulties you encountered in constructing the model.
- The list of current scenarios, and those that you would eventually like to support in your future design. One paragraph, video or storyboard for each scenario should be enough. Aim to document between 4-8 current and future scenarios.
- The list of personas that you will motivate your eventual design. For now, about a half-page plus a picture should be enough for each persona. Aim to document between 3-6 personas.
- A description of the probe that you have designed, how subjects will send data to you, how often, etc.
- Reflect on the experience of doing a Contextual Inquiry. What was easy? What was hard? What did you expect? What was surprising? Did you ask too many questions? Did you ask too few? What types of questions worked best? Which lead to poor answers? Which lead to in-depth answers? Which work models were difficult to produce? Which were easy? Which helped most in developing your understanding? Which helped least? [1 page]
- A copy of the presentation that you will make to the class. Come ready to present on October 3rd.
The total length of your submitted report should be less than 15 pages. Brevity, clarity and focus on the goals of the assignment will be rewarded. Illustrative graphics are welcome and encouraged!
Please contact the professor or the class TA if you have any questions with this assignment.
September 4, 2013
Group Pitches due next Tues
Your group project pitches are due next Tuesday, Sept 10 in class. Each group will have 5 minutes (max) to describe:
- Your prospective Users, and how you plan to access them
- Their Needs, and the Design Opportunity that results
- Any external partners
- Team member introductions
- Your name and background
- What skills you bring
Minimum team size is 4 members. If you want to join a group, or need more members for your group, please speak up in class and/or use the course mailing list and spreadsheet.