Week 0: Place-In/Place-Out Exams
- 8/26: Place-Out Exam administered 8 – 9 AM; Place-In Exam distributed 3:30 PM
- 8/27: Place-In Exam due 3:30 PM
Week 1: Introduction; Computer Architecture
- 8/30: Course Overview
- 9/1: Computer Architecture; Data Representation; Information Theory
- 9/1 Lab: Best Practices for the Place-In Exam
Week 2: CPU Operation
- 9/6: Labor Day — No class
- 9/8: Boolean Logic; CPU Operation; [A1 posted]
- 9/8 Lab: Boolean Logic; De Morgan’s Law
Week 3: Software Design
- 9/13: CPU Operation (continued); Machine Language
- 9/15: Software Design; [A1 due; A2 posted]
- 9/15 Lab: OOP Example
Week 4: Analysis of Algorithms
- 9/20: Software Design
- 9/22: Analysis of Algorithms
- 9/22 Lab: UML Diagrams
Week 5: Operating System
- 9/27: Analysis of Algorithms; Test 1 Review; [A2 due; A3 posted]
- 9/29: Test 1; Memory Hierarchy
- 9/29 Lab: Big-O Notation
Week 6: Data Structures
- 10/4: Operating System
- 10/6: Introduction to Data Structures; [A3 due]
- 10/6 Lab: Best Practices for A2
Week 7: Data Structures
- 10/11: Lists
- 10/13: Dictionaries; [A4 posted]
- 10/13 Lab: Data Structures – Lists and Dictionaries
Week 8: Data Structures
- 10/18: Trees
- 10/20: Heaps & Graphs
- 10/20 Lab: Data Structures – Trees and Heaps
Week 9: Regular Expressions
- 10/25: Graphs; Test 2 Review; [A4 due]
- 10/27: Regular Expressions; [A5 posted]
- 10/27 Lab: Review for Test 2
Week 10: Distributed Systems; Inter-Process Communication
- 11/1: Introduction to Distributed Systems
- 11/3: Test 2; Inter-process Communication
- 11/3 Lab: Regular Expression Practice
Week 11: Network Architecture
- 11/8: Inter-process Communication; [A5 due; A6 posted]
- 11/10: Network Architecture
- 11/10 Lab: Python Networking Library
Week 12: Networking Protocols
- 11/15: Networking Standards and Protocols; [A6 Part 1 due]
- 11/17: Networking Standards and Protocols; Computer Security
- 11/17 Lab: Best Practices for Assignment 5
Week 13: Security
- 11/22: Computer Security
- 11/24: Computer Security; System Performance [A6 Parts 2 and 3 due]
- 11/24 Lab: Cryptographic Operations
Week 14: System Performance
- 11/29: System Performance; [A7 posted]
- 12/1: Test 3 Review; Course Review; Course Evaluation
- 12/1 Lab: Test 3 Q &A; Extra Office Hour
Week 15: RRR Week
- 12/6: No Class
- 12/8: No Class; [A7 due]
Week 16: Final Exam
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