The place-in and place-out exams that will take place during the first week of the fall semester.
The guiding philosophy of these two exams is: we don’t want people who would be either bored or overwhelmed to be in the 206 course.
Below is some important scheduling information. Please mark these dates on your calendar.
1. First Class Meeting
Our first class meeting will be on Monday, August 30, 10:30am to 12 noon. Note that this occurs *after* the place-in and place-out exams.
2. Place-Out Exam
The place-out exam will be held Thursday, August 26, 8-9am. The in-class written exam will test fundamental concepts covered in a typical CS curriculum, including: computer architecture, boolean logic, data structures and algorithms, networking, and security.
If you have a CS degree, or have advanced CS knowledge, you should consider taking the place-out exam. If you pass this exam, then you are eligible to place out of the course.
You will be notified of your exam results by email at or before 12 noon. If you pass the place-out exam, you will not need to take the place-in exam later that afternoon. If you do not pass the place-out exam, then you will have to pass the place-in exam in order to be enrolled in the course.
Remember that if you place out of 206, you will still need to complete Part 2 of the MIMS Program Technology Requirement, as spelled out in the masters handbook:
3. Place-In Exam
The place-in exam will be a 24-hour take-home Python programming proficiency test where you will be asked to write a complete Python program similar in complexity to the “seventeen game” and “bulls and cows game” (place-in exams from the last two years) that were provided to you as an exercise back in March, and available at the following link:
You will be allowed to refer to any Python book or online resource during the exam, and can choose to use an IDE if you wish. You are not allowed to discuss the material with any other person.
The place-in exam is tentatively scheduled to begin Thursday, August 26 at 3:30pm and end Friday, August 27 at 3:30pm. Submission will be via email (instructions will be provided later) so you don’t have to come to campus on Friday.
Please feel free to email John and Meg with any questions.
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