Course Policies

Course Requirements and Policies

10% attendance
20% class participation/blog posts/reading responses
15% paper
25% midterm
30% project

Attendance (10%) and Participation (20%): You should come to class having completed the reading for that day.  Be prepared to play an active role in class discussion.  Participating means not only making thoughtful contributions concerning the assigned texts, but also actively reading the materials under consideration as well as engaging the ideas of your classmates (20%). You are permitted two absences in INFO 146, subsequent absences will be reflected in your grade and may jeopardize your overall standing in the course.

Paper(15%): You will have a paper due on June 1st that will address the first cluster of readings. This paper will be two – three pages (double-spaced) and use proper citation.

Midterm(25%): A midterm exam will be given covering readings, class lectures, and discussion.

Group Project/Presentation(30%): At the beginning of the term we will form project/presentation groups. These groups will carry out two activities: First, you will work with your group to develop a mockup of a New Media entity in HTML.  Secondly, we will have in-class presentations, 30 minutes in length, where the project is explained and related to the issues of New Media we have covered in the class.

Academic Integrity: Proper citation is a fundamental to maintaining Academic standards at UC Berkeley.  For this class, citation need only take the following form: If you use information from the scholar Marshal McLuhan you would note that within the sentence with (McLuhan, 1964).

Plagiarism is a serious offense that will have the result of a failing grade in this course. For more information on citation, plagiarism, and other important issues of student conduct, please visit: