About & Class Policies

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Course Catalog Description

Proper management plays a crucial role in executing and completing projects efficiently. Get a step-by-step introduction to the project management process and review the differences between theory and practice. You’ll use the tools and knowledge you acquire and work with a team to create a project plan.

We will have a combination of interactive lectures, guest speakers, and case studies discussions to  cover globally recognized standards, best practices and tools that successful project managers use.

Required Course Materials

Wysocki, Robert K., (2009). “Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, 5th Edition,” (New York, NY: John Wiley  Sons), ISBN:  978-0-470-42367-7

Recommended Materials

“A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)”, Project Management Institute (PMI), 4th Edition 2008, ISBN: 1933890517

“The Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle’s-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions”, Scott Adams, 1996, ISBN: 0887307876

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to

  • Define project management terms and processes
  • Identify component and concepts of project management
  • Identify project lifecycle and typical project phases
  • Identify and properly define project scope, schedule and budget
  • Identify project stakeholders and a plan for communicating with them
  • Understand the impact and plan for mitigating risks
  • Describe and apply how to best monitor and control a project, including change control
  • Use best practice techniques to manage a project

Method of Instruction

This class is taught by lecture, class discussion and participation including group projects and presentations.  I believe this approach increases learning, develops a sense of teamwork, and encourages good preparation for class discussion.

Attendance & Participation

Each class will be worth 10 points divided between attendance and participation.  If you come to class and actively participate in discussion, you’ll earn 10 points.


If you must miss a class, you are responsible for networking with other students to understand what was covered.  If you miss a class, assignments are still required.

Assignments handed in after the assigned due date will not receive credit.


Class participation is mandatory.  The Course Outline gives you the topic and the associated reading material that will be discussed in each class.  You are expected to read the material before coming to class and actively participate in class discussions.

Homework Assignments

The homework assignments mainly consist of cases/problems and serve as a learning and practical tool for some of the important concepts covered in class.  You are encouraged to study together with your group or other students from class.  However, you should be able to solve each problem individually and turn in your own version.

Homework should be turned in via printed paper, please plan to bring 2 copies.  Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason.

Final Deliverable:  Project Plan

A team final deliverable will be required for the course.  The goal of the final deliverable is to analyze, develop, and present a project plan which will incorporate (but is not limited to) techniques, tips, and templates covered throughout the course.  Teams will make a presentation of their final project and plan.  Ideally, projects will be based on either something you or a team member is currently working on or will be assigned to.  In general, your project selection should meet one or more of the following criteria:

You (personally or your company) or a team member

  • are going to be doing this project in the near future
  • are considering doing this project
  • are currently doing this project
  • have a personal or professional relationship with an individual or organization which is now doing, will do or is considering doing this project in the near future
  • have participated in a failed or failing project and want to make an effort to create a project plan to learn from the failure or potentially save the project from failing

You will be graded as a team.

More detail will be provided as the class progresses and you will have input into how the presentations are scheduled and delivered.  


Grading Criteria                                             Percentage of Grade

Individual Homework / Assignments                              30%

Attendance & Class Participation                                  25%

Project & Team Assignments                                          25%

Final Exam                                                                    20%

Total                                                                             100%

Assignment of Letter Grades

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89.9%

C = 70-79.9%

D = 60-69.9%

F = Less than 60%