
Below is some terminology to assist your teams with the executive summaries. Note that different organizations have nuanced definitions for these terms. Consider these a starting point as reference. Here is one example from the Information Architecture Institute.

Scope:  A clearly defined project scope ensures all stakeholders (individuals and organizations that are involved in or that might be affected by project activities—project team, application architect, testing, customer or sponsor, contracts, finance, procurement, contracts and legal) share a common view of what is included and not included as part of the project.
A success criteria or goal example: “deploy Windows 2000 to 2,500 computers by the end of the business quarter.”  It is specific, measurable, time bound and progress to date can be reported on it.
Objective example: “Use Roaming User Profiles to copy desktop settings and documents to a location on the network so that a user’s settings and documents are available wherever the user logs on.”  This is more of a broad statement addressing a need to support users that work in a different number of offices or “roaming users”.
Objectives and success criteria help stakeholders, team members and others better understand what exactly the project aims to achieve.