Visual Anthropology

updated 9/2/12

If you are having trouble with the Pink files, and you downloaded them before 8/31 at 11 am, try again. Should be fine now.

Pink, S. (2003). Interdisciplinary agendas in visual research: re-situating visual anthropology. Visual Studies, 18(2), 179-192.  We’ll discuss this in depth. Read this first.

 Don’t forget:

Pink, Sarah. 2006. Doing visual ethnography: images, media, and representation in research.  London: Sage. pink ch 1 The visual in ethnography: photography, video, cultures, and individuals. pp. 22-39.   pink ch 3 partial Photography in ethnographic research.

MacDougall, D. (2011). Anthropological Filmmaking: An Empirical Art. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (pp. 99-113).  Although he is talking about film-making, his arguments also apply to other media.  In dropbox 9/3. You can also read online google books.


Optional – A classic:

Becker, H. S., & Prosser, J. (1998). Visual Sociology, Documentary Photography, and Photojournalism: It’s (Almost) All a Matter of Context.  Visual Sociology 10, 5-14. Reprinted in Image-based research : a sourcebook for qualitative researchers (pp. 84-96). London: Falmer Press. Online.

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