April Dawn Kester

After reading, The Miracle Fruit, a Tease for the Taste Buds – The New York Times, I thought this exercise was going to be some life changing experience. Foods just tasted a bit different, I was very underwhelmed.

Vinegar tasted a bit like citrus juice, but nothing I would chug down – it is still vinegar after all. The jalapeño was the most interesting because although the flavor was altered, I could still ‘feel’ the heat. The lemon reminded me of when I was a child and we would eat lemons from the tree with sugar sprinkled on them. The radish was the only item on the table that I did not like prior to the experiment. I was pleased to find the obnoxious, pungent ‘radish’ flavor was gone. What I did notice was that the radish had the same texture as a carrot. This makes sense they are both root vegetables after all, I’m surprised I never noticed.

I’d be really mad if all my food tasted this way for an extended time period. I know what foods I like and those I do not. I wouldn’t want to learn that all over again. I would also miss sour and bitter flavors.