
The leaderboard below displays the top 50% of the class and will be updated after each mission which has a point system announced for it.

Please remember that your points are not grades. You will not be graded based on your performance in the missions, but rather on your personal reflection on the experience of using the course app (see Assignment 3 for more details).

Last updated after: No Phone Zone

1 Linding Jørgensen, Elin (•) 360
2 Pérez, Ignacio (↑) 322
3 Agrawal, Siddharth (↓) 292
4 Tsai, Dan (•) 285
5 Gutman, Max (↑) 272
6 Jakobsen, Ronnie (↓) 265
7 Hitchcock, Meredith (↓) 250
8 Fan, Christopher (↓) 234
9 Chen, Jung-Wei Jennifer (•); Li, Johnny (↑) 205
10 MacFarland, Ian (↑) 160
11 Sparks, Evan (↓) 234

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