Thanks for a great semester!

Marco’s OH during RRR week (12/7)

Hey folks,

Thanks for being cool & flexible with my office hours change.  As mentioned during lab, my OH next week (12/7) will be 1-2pm, and will be in room 202.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


i206 (shortened) lab 12

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that for tomorrow’s lab we will end a little early (~20 min) so that you can meet with you partner and work on assignment #6.

Marco & Emily

Assignment 6

Assignment 6 has been posted.  Please take a look at it since Part 1 is due in one week.

i206 Instructors

Networking Lab next week

Please bring your laptops to lab next Wednesday. We will be using Python to create sockets.

Thanks and have a great weekend!


Assignment #5 posted

Hey folks!  Assignment #5 has been posted here and is due Monday, November 8th.  I (Marco) am the lead for this assignment, so please let me know if you have any questions about the instructions, what’s required, etc.

Good luck!

Assignment #4 Posted

Hi!  Assignment #4 has been posted here and is due Monday, October 25th.  I (Emily) am the lead for this assignment, so please let me know if you have any questions about the instructions, what’s required, etc.


Please bring laptop tomorrow (10/13)

Hi class,

Just a heads up, we’ll be doing a little Python tomorrow, so please bring your laptop to lab.  Otherwise you can partner up with a classmate.


Assignment 3 due date

Due to popular request, Assignment 3’s due date will be moved from Oct 4 to Oct 6.

Assignment #3

Assignment #3 has been posted here and is due on Monday, October 4th, 2010.

A few things about submitting your HW (to help Emily & I grade your assignments)

  1. Put your name on EVERY page (use header)
  2. Remember to put your response for each question on a SEPARATE page (for the hardcopy)
  3. Do NOT print double-sided when you submit your hardcopy
  4. E-mail a .pdf version of your assignment to <>
  5. Follow the naming convention: i206_a3_<ischool_user_id>.pdf [all lowercase]
  6. Remember the 5% early bonus, -20% late penalty.

Good luck!

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