Course Policies

Course Requirements and Policies

Attendance and Participation: You should come to class having completed the reading for that day and with the relevant materials in-hand.  Be prepared to play an active role in class discussion.  Participating means not only making thoughtful contributions concerning the assigned texts, but also actively reading the materials under consideration as well as engaging the ideas of your classmates (10%). You are permitted two absences in INFO 146, subsequent absences will be reflected in your grade and may jeopardize your overall standing in the course.

Papers: You will have a paper due on June 1st that will address the first cluster of readings. This paper will be three pages (double-spaced) and use proper citation (15%).

Presentations and Group Projects: At the beginning of the term we will form presentation groups.  These presentations will have two components: First, you will work with your group to post an entry to the class blog that covers what you see as the key issues of the material for which you are responsible.  Secondly, we will have in-class presentations, 30 minutes in length, which should build on the blog entry and work to relate the material for that session to the overall themes of the course.  You should choose a date on the syllabus based on your interests, though keep in mind that topics will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis (190).

You will also complete two video projects with your group, one shorter project, and one longer multiphase project (10%).

Quizzes and Exams: There will be regular quizzes (approximately weekly) as well as a midterm and final exam (40%).

Video Equipment: There will be a select number of video cameras available to students registered for INFO 146 for purpose completing group projects. There will be a one-week loan period for these cameras, and they must be returned in good condition before the end of the course.  Students will held liable for lost or damaged equipment.

Academic Integrity: Proper citation is a fundamental to maintaining Academic standards at UC Berkeley.  Plagiarism is a serious offense that will have the result of a failing grade in this course. For more information on citation, plagiarism, and other important issues of student conduct, please visit: